#16 Peace – is communication

When talking about Peace, understanding each other is the foundation. We are the kids from class 6a at the Andersen school in Berlin.

We discussed how important it is to feel safe, to have friends, to be able to play, to be able to learn. And we learned about different cultures in the world and that being nice could also mean being not so nice in a different culture… so we played a little game, where we all slipped into a cultural role, into somebody else, acting very different from what we normally are. Each culture uses different codes for communication, for greeting each other. We discussed different photos for intercultural situations and checked our awareness for small details.

We learned that it is important to respect each other regardless of our cultural background in order to become friends.

Check out our drawings, poems and photos from our project.

We send our best wishes to our peers in Benin, Africa! Have a great New Year 2018!


This project was supported by

To lead with your eyes – We learn the language of horses

Eyes say more than words!  Animals deserve our respect and protection.

This short video was taken during a horse based communication training for kids. While visiting them in their natural habitat, we learned about the natural being of horses, their tremendous perception and the “horse sense”. We got into direct contact with them and practiced leadership exercises using no force at all.